Hey friends! It’s been a busy few weeks as we have softly started school. I like to start early to give us lots of grace and wiggle room around the holidays.
Freezer space is at an all time premium, so I’ve been trying to plan out some meals or meat I can pressure can to get on the shelf before fall. So far I’m looking at making a big batch of sloppy joes next week, chili soup starter, and maybe canning straight chicken breast and/or soups, too. While I have the canner out I may do a load (or two) of dried beans to have ready for convenience.
It’s work, yes, but having the convenience of cooked food on the shelf that only needs reheated is wonderful. Especially when the work of filling a canner is easily enough for multiple meals or occasions of use!
Tomatoes are finally turning, hooray!! And I’ve got peppers coming on at long last! Here’s hoping we get a good harvest for all the plans I’ve made: salsa, aforementioned sloppy joes, soups, sauce, etc.
I’m keeping my eyes peeled for a good deal on peaches. Hoping to pick up a 25lb box and that should supplement our needs perfectly for the coming year as I still have some from last year.
My summer squash and zucchini is about done. I have put away 17 pints of pineapple zucchini on the shelf and 14 (2-3 cups) bags of shredded in the freezer. I meant to put away some summer squash diced, but as it’s complicated to blanch and freezer space is limited I haven’t bothered.
My green beans are producing but I’m not getting what I hoped. I’m pretty sure I’m the problem and I just haven’t planted enough. Looking to remedy that next year, somehow. I may have enough to fill the canner after tomorrow’s picking.
It’s August now, which means time to think about the fall garden. I ripped out the bolted lettuce and added back a wagon load of compost. I then watered it well and replanted lettuce and kale for the fall.
The garlic is ready to harvest and once that’s done my intention is to plant carrots all down that row so we have a large crop this fall for canning or fermenting or whatever we desire. I’m going to plant as many as possible, as I think I tend to short myself. 😬
My fall crop of green beans is almost all up, yay!! Here’s hoping we have a late frost this year so I can harvest all the okra, potatoes, and beans we need.
So far as animals go, I have two big announcements! One, our milk cow Destiny gave birth last week to a beautiful, BIG, healthy bull calf. Not the heifer we were praying for, but it’s not a loss either. His name is T-Bone.
Secondly, we will be adding to our flock of sheep. I’m not sure how many we’ve decided on yet, but we will be purchasing and bringing them here this weekend. That said, the Dorsett breed we have will probably go to auction before we have to feed hay. We really like the hair sheep/Katadahns and love that they do not need annual shearing.
I think that is all for now! With the garden bursting and the weather mostly pleasant, we’ve loved getting outside, grilling, and enjoying the fruit of our labor.
Until next time, friends.